Baby Development @ 7 months

Here are the baby milestones @ 7 months: By the end of the month most babies should be able to:
  • Make wet razing sounds
  • Turn in the direction of a voice
  • Play peek-a-boo
  • Imitate sounds
  • Distinguish emotions by the sound of your voice

My baby has been very active and he can actually pull himself up on his 7th month. He sits up really good and maneuvers pretty well from crawling to sitting and other positions. He also discovered blowing my tummy, legs or arms. He loves to do that whenever he gets near me. He easily recognizes my voice and knows when I am calling him.

No Heels For Mommies

It's a common scene to see famous people wear heels even when they are very much pregnant. I've seen actresses wear high heels even when they are carrying such big baby tummy already. It's not that it can't be worn but for precautionary measures it's better not to wear high heels to prevent tipping or losing balance.

As we all know every pregnant woman adds up weight and balance is somehow compromised with this. Wearing the right comfortable shoes can prevent any accidents. Say for an instance wearing rain shoes on a wet and rainy day can prevent slipping and give more traction on any slippery floor. Comfortable flats can also ease leg pain since much weight is concentrated on the lower body.

For all mommies-to-be out there, be careful and watch your footing to avoid fall.
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