Amazing how kids can remember things! Why did I say this? Our little boy shows us from time to time how he knows and remembers things and special events.
Sometime last month we all went to the church then to the shopping center across where there's Kid2Kid and Doughnut Diner. To make our little trip special, after church we browsed through Kid2Kid and then after to the doughnut diner. Had a little snack and little J treasure that moment as our special treat time.
About a month later, we went to the same church again and to the kid shop. This time we were just looking for some formal outfit for an important event. We didn't have in mind going to the doughnut shop. Right after exiting the kid shop, J ran away from the car and further towards the doughnut diner. We asked where's he going, replied: we're supposed to have a special treat!
We were stunned at the moment then followed him quickly. He knew where to go and even let himself in the diner and hurriedly looked onto the display. The lady remembered him as well so she gave the donut he chose upon seeing us. Me and hubs noted that incident and agreed that we'll do it once a month at least to keep it as a lasting memory for our growing boy. Another thing J remembers whenever we go there is the fireworks display last 4th of July. That is where we parked and watched the fireworks spectacular as well.