And He's Out

I gave birth 2 wks ahead of the assumed time, it wasn't bad but of course like any other births it's painful. I delivered normally (vaginal delivery) and started labor at 8pm of Jan 31 all the way to 6am Feb 1. Finally by 6:00am the nurse helped me practice pushing. She's very helpful and caring, I thank her so much for this practice push before she called in the doctors. This practice made my delivery easier because I was able to push right in shorter time. I swear it's very tiring and you will definitely have to summon all your energy doing this.

How did I know I was going to deliver early? That Sunday after lunch I suspected something different happening with me. All of a sudden I had quite a discharge, actually lots of watery discharge that I had to keep changing my panty liners. I called in the Labor and Delivery of the hospital to ask for advice and i was told to visit the hospital so they can check if that's just a regular leak or if my water bag broke already. So me and hubs came around 6:oopm and was further assessed by 7:oopm. It was confirmed then that it was my water bag and the fluid leaking is amniotic fluid. Then I was told I had to stay in the hospital. Good thing I was aware enough of certain changes because it could be very harmful for baby if i just took things forgranted. I didn't have much other signs of labor so it was just really that fluid leak. It's really good to know your body and pay close attention to details. this can save both you and baby.
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Tekkaus said...

So little junior can go home now? Hahaha :D Yay!

Mummy Gwen said...

Did you had epidural? You sounded very calm..hehe. You are very strong. ^_^

How are you coping now? Take care, ganda.

Ayie said...

i had epidural...the pain was already so so bad...

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