After months of anticipating and waiting and few down times my much awaited period never came. I was hesitant to take the home pregnancy test because I got so down when I first took the courage to do it and gave me a negative result later on. It felt like a big dagger stabbed my heart, yes indeed very depressing. What can I do, false alarm. I knew that time I might not be preggy yet but I just couldn't fight my curiosity. There were some signs that lead me to think I might be so I was trying to keep my hopes up. Not that we're being to excited and rushing too much to conceive, we were having some time pressures also. Hubs' papa will be coming back here and staying with us by May and then the rest of his family (mom, bro & sis) by June. We knew having everybody around will give us slimmer chances of having our little time of privacy in which we all know is very important to any couple.
Mother's day passed and still no luck, I didn't even bothered testing having a very evident sign that I haven't conceived yet. I was kind of hoping I can celebrate my first mother's day though somehow I did, my bro greeted me happy mother's day for being a mom to his Elisse. That somehow lifted my spirit. Another month passed and soon it was Father's Day. This time I was really eager to know since I missed my period on the day it should come... eager to at least be part of this father's day celebration for my husband. This time I have decided to do the test and the result was very pleasant. 2 lines finally, very bold and clear. Despite the positive result, we didn't fully rejoice and still decided to wait for several days and re-test. Now I know how uplifting it could be to get the result you're wishing for. My greatest dream to be a mom someday will come true in few more months!
Not really knowing how I should handle the result, we decided to keep the news to ourselves for the meantime. As I was told by a friend it's not so good to announce it right away during the first 2 months. I simply shared the news to my bestfriend and personal OB-GYN doctor back home, as much as I want to spill the news I simply can't. Hubs and I agreed that we will be final with the pregnancy once we 're done with the medical matters and ultrasound. I had my initial care from my doctor, she's very nice to keep in touch with me though email and entertain my overseas calls.
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Mother's day passed and still no luck, I didn't even bothered testing having a very evident sign that I haven't conceived yet. I was kind of hoping I can celebrate my first mother's day though somehow I did, my bro greeted me happy mother's day for being a mom to his Elisse. That somehow lifted my spirit. Another month passed and soon it was Father's Day. This time I was really eager to know since I missed my period on the day it should come... eager to at least be part of this father's day celebration for my husband. This time I have decided to do the test and the result was very pleasant. 2 lines finally, very bold and clear. Despite the positive result, we didn't fully rejoice and still decided to wait for several days and re-test. Now I know how uplifting it could be to get the result you're wishing for. My greatest dream to be a mom someday will come true in few more months!
Not really knowing how I should handle the result, we decided to keep the news to ourselves for the meantime. As I was told by a friend it's not so good to announce it right away during the first 2 months. I simply shared the news to my bestfriend and personal OB-GYN doctor back home, as much as I want to spill the news I simply can't. Hubs and I agreed that we will be final with the pregnancy once we 're done with the medical matters and ultrasound. I had my initial care from my doctor, she's very nice to keep in touch with me though email and entertain my overseas calls.

Congrates to you Ayie and your hubs. Finally a new family is coming! =)
Our much awaited addition! Thanks tekkaus! How about you?
i guess you have every reason to put up your big smile now. it's the momemt you've been waiting for Ayie. big hugs to you and congrats again to you and hubs.
congratulations, ayie!
finally here comes the next family member that you had been longing to meet. :D
Congrats to you and hubby. Wow! A baby on the way. :)
Me! Soon! Soon! I wanna have babies. LOL :P
hi ayie, i am here! is this your new blog? i will add this in my link as i would want to follow your pregnancy :)
congratulations, again!
A new addition soon! Congrats! Make sure to take pictures of the baby bump and more pictures of the process as it gets bigger! ^-^.
Congratulations to YOU and YOur HUBS!!! Finally, a new addition to the family. I'm so happy for you. It's the best feeling ever being a mom soon. You've been taking care of yourself very well..with all those nutricious food and all. Take care, ganda. :)
Thanks so much Ramblings and most especially for those encouragement and wishes you gave me all those times.
Levian we're really happy and the baby's due 2010. =)
Yes Lina I have a little kicker here inside me now. Thanks!
Better start making babies now Tekkaus if you're really that ecstatic now. =)
Betchai it iwas hard to be hushhush all those times I was ranting to you in our emails. There was a time I wanted to tell you about it but I had to hold back til the right time comes. It's nice to see you here too, join my journey. =)
I have documented the first baby bump already Ladyviral, don't worry you'll see more and more in time as i go with the whole thing. How about you? Any plans after ROM? hehe Thanks!
Mummy Sexy, it's nice to have you here too! So many people now and so many comments...I'm getting more excited! hahaha! I've been a mom with so many kids but I know it will never measure on the real feelings of having your very own. Thank you!
Thanks to all of you! I wish to have you all for some moral support as I go through this journey! I'm so glad yo have met you all here....through blogging!
Bes!!! This is it!!! I think I was more excited that you. LOL.
Proud to be the most beautiful godmother of our little angel..ehem. :)
yes you are way way too excited....I am too but you are so well proclaimed and I am more confined! Things are a little better here, he revealed it here already last Sunday. Nicer after that!
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