Baby grows and changes the most during the first trimester (1st-3rd month) that's why it's important to give yourself proper care so baby grows right. baby is called embryo for the first 8wks and by the end of the first 3mos baby becomes a fully formed fetus. All major organs and systems are formed and baby's about 3-4 inches (I compared it to a size of a mobile phone) long and can weigh to about 1/2 to 1 ounce.
After 4 weeks:
After 4 weeks:
- Embryo is about 1/4 inch long
- Tiny heart starts to form and beats (but it beats really fast! 2x our normal heartbeat)
- Arms and Legs appear as tiny buds
- Brain and spinal cord start to form
- Eyes and ears start to develop
After 8 weeks:
- Heartbeat can now be seen in ultrasound (vaginal ultrasound)
- Brain, spinal cord and heart continue to form
- Mouth is now developing tooth buds
- Jaw, lung, nose and palate start to form
During 9-12 weeks:
- Arms and legs are fully formed
- Fingernails and toenails start to appear
- external genital organs develop
- Eyelids are formed
This is such an exciting stage for the parents-to-be. I remember seeing the very first ultrasound of our baby and it was a terrific feeling. We couldn't believe how I get to have a little kicker inside me moving a lot. Looking at how my husband was fondly staring at the monitor with very wide pasted smile on his face is something I can't ever forget. I didn't get to capture that moment but it's already etched in my heart and mind. And now we can't wait to see our baby inside me once again. We always wonder how our baby looks now. =)